Both Teddy and Taylor can walk now. Teddy is still slower, but he's getting faster every day. They both say hi, duck, what is this/that?, & uh oh. Taylor says mama, ball, sock, done, no, yes, sit, me, book, Teddy, and she tries to repeat words you say but they all come out sounding the same. Teddy says dad and daddy. Both of them say something that resembles "thank you," but for Teddy it sounds like "tee-oo" and for Taylor it sounds like "koo-num", which resembles the Hungarian word for thank you. They are both really good at giving hugs and kisses and they love to sit in your lap.
Taylor loves to read books. She can sit with a book, flip the pages, and talk while she's doing it. Teddy, on the other hand, loves to eat books. Their favorite activity is chasing each other around the living room. They can run in circles for hours, which is fine with me!
Last week we had our 18 month well visit with our new pediatrician. Teddy weighed in a 21lbs, 4oz (3%) and 30.5"(15%). Taylor weighed in at 24lbs, 7oz (50%) and 31.5"(50%). Here they are hanging out in the doctor's office waiting for him and reading their medical records.
Bubbe came to visit and we went out to lunch a few times. Here we are having fun at the California Pizza Kitchen...
...and here we are at our favorite restaurant, the Cheesecake Factory. We eat here a lot. Mommy loves it too!
After lunch at the Cheesecake Factory we went for a walk around the mall. Taylor wanted to visit her favorite store, but no one would let her in.
After being denied by Tiffany's, Taylor walked into Hermes and spit up some bananas onto the floor. That was really embarrassing for mom!