So much to update! I've been slacking on my blog responsibilities. Bubbe came to visit us last week and we had so much fun! On Tuesday we had our 9 month well visit and the babies had blood tests and TB shots. Here are the latest stats:
Teddy ~ 16lb 1oz 26.5" Taylor ~ 16lb 9oz 27"
After the doctor's appointment we went for a walk through Central Park and had to stop for a photo shoot. The scenery was just too beautiful to pass up. Here are the pictures. Click to see them larger (they are beautiful!).
The next day we went out to New Jersey for our house inspection. Here is Teddy taking a nap by the stairs. The wood floors haven't been finished yet.
Tonight is the first night of Passover. Traveling with twins is tough, so we decided to stay home this year. In anticipation of the babies' arrival, Victor and I had purchased a plush Passover set. Here is a video of Teddy and Taylor learning about the Passover plate.
There have been several developments over the past couple of weeks. We gave Taylor a bit of rice cereal and she did not have any hives! This was very exciting, because Taylor loves to eat and we were concerned about possible allergies when she had bad reactions to both rice and oats a few months ago. Her new favorite food is Gerber puffs. I believe she would eat them all day long if we let her. She loves to pick them up and feed herself. Teddy, on the other hand, will eat the puffs if you feed them to him, but he hasn't quite figured out how to feed himself. He picks them up and plays with them.
Both babies have their bottom two teeth, but they have not fully come in yet. Unfortunately for mommy, the short teeth have quite a strong bite (if you know what I mean). Teddy is still not crawling, but I did catch him in the crawling position tonight. Taylor continues to crawl and she loves to pull herself to standing in the crib.
Victor and I are getting ready for the big move to New Jersey! If all goes well, we should be moving in 3 weeks (yikes!). We have a lot of packing to do.
Here is one last video of Taylor trying to blow raspberries on April 10th. She can't quite get it, but she sure is trying hard! Teddy is happy that there is still one thing he can do that she can't.
Teddy and Taylor turned NINE months old today! I can hardly believe how fast my tiny little babies are growing. They have brought so much joy to my life. Every day I am thankful for the most wonderful gifts I have ever received. There is a lot of love packed into those tiny little bodies.
As I mentioned previously, Taylor has started crawling. I tried to catch her on video last week, but she did not want to perform for the camera. I got this cute video instead, which is still very fun to watch. She's getting better and better at crawling so be on the lookout for another video very soon. In the meantime:
Teddy has also had a first this week. He has the first tooth! It appeared Sunday morning and it has been coming in very slowly. It's one of his bottom middle teeth and it's super sharp. No picture yet, but I'm trying! Here is the little guy after an exhausting play session in the exersaucer:
Taylor is quite the mover. She sits very well these days and almost never falls over. Due to her amazing mobility we decided it was time to lower the crib. The very next day (yesterday) she pulled herself to standing in the crib for the first time! She loves to just sit on the floor and play. Today she managed to get herself into this adorable position:
Mommy and daddy are also working on a first for us - our first house! We are in contract with a very nice rabbi and his wife who will be purchasing our current spacious 700 sq. ft. apartment. Victor and I have found a wonderful new home in New Jersey that is very close to Manhattan. The babies will even be able to have their own rooms! To celebrate, the four of us went shopping at Macy's for a new bedroom set. Teddy wanted to test it out himself: