Teddy has also had a first this week. He has the first tooth! It appeared Sunday morning and it has been coming in very slowly. It's one of his bottom middle teeth and it's super sharp. No picture yet, but I'm trying! Here is the little guy after an exhausting play session in the exersaucer:

Taylor is quite the mover. She sits very well these days and almost never falls over. Due to her amazing mobility we decided it was time to lower the crib. The very next day (yesterday) she pulled herself to standing in the crib for the first time! She loves to just sit on the floor and play. Today she managed to get herself into this adorable position:

Mommy and daddy are also working on a first for us - our first house! We are in contract with a very nice rabbi and his wife who will be purchasing our current spacious 700 sq. ft. apartment. Victor and I have found a wonderful new home in New Jersey that is very close to Manhattan. The babies will even be able to have their own rooms! To celebrate, the four of us went shopping at Macy's for a new bedroom set. Teddy wanted to test it out himself:

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