Get ready for picture overload! The first one is from our play group in early February. Here we are making some Tu Bishvat artwork. They are really good with crayons now, and they actually put the stickers on themselves.
For a tasty treat in February, Daddy put chocolate chips in our pancakes. We LOVED them and gobbled them right up.
Teddy sometimes gets very sleepy before lunch. Here he is taking a quick 15 minute nap on the couch in the playroom. You can see Taylor in the corner. She was petting him and saying, "nice, nice", just like how she pets Major Nelson (our cat).
We found this awesome Hannah Montana unitard for Taylor that she loves to dance in. The tutu was added for maximum dancing enjoyment. This little dance recital took place on March 1st. There's a video of her running around in it that I might post later.
A couple weeks ago we dressed up for our first Purim carnival. Mommy found a great deal on these super cute devil costumes from Pottery Barn Kids ($60 Halloween costumes on super clearance for $5!). Without the devil ears they kind of looked like little red dragons. Anyhow, here's a bunch of pictures from the carnival:
Daddy's little devil boy.
Temple Shalom's version of Plinko.
Taylor makes a slam dunk.
Teddy cruises the floor while Taylor noshes on a soft pretzel.
Last week the weather started warming up and we were taking a walk through the neighborhood. Some boys were riding on skateboards and the twins were mesmerized. We stopped to watch them for a bit. Taylor is wearing Teddy's hat because she took it off his head and put it on her own head.
After lots of looking in stores and googling, we finally found a desk for our kitchen! The babies are watching one of their favorite YouTube videos while admiring the new desk.
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