Saturday, May 3, 2008

Bobbing for Puffs

Teddy and Taylor love their Gerber Puffs. The problem is, Teddy can't feed himself the puffs (but Taylor can). Teddy doesn't get that he can pick them up and put them in his mouth, so he tries to bring his mouth to the puffs. Here is a super cute video of the twins using their different strategies to get the puffs. Notice how Taylor seems to go for the puffs that are in front of Teddy. At one point she steals his puff and laughs for the camera. Poor Teddy gave up eventually, but don't worry, I fed him some puffs after the video. After all, he was working so hard!

1 comment:

Edwin Steussy said...

Very cute! You have to show them off in Hungary. We want to see photos of the house! What's it like? How big is the yard? Will you have a dog? Swingset? Gazebo? Hot and cold running internet? Let us know - let us see!

Over from Budapest,
Ed and Gabi