Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Teddy & Taylor's First Birthday

Today was the big day. The babies are now officially one year old. I had wanted to upload all the cute pictures of Teddy and Taylor stuffing their faces with cake and opening their presents, but I left the camera cord in Taylor's room. I weighed the pros and cons of going in there to get it and the one BIG con won out. I do not want to risk waking up the sleeping birthday girl. Pictures and a video will be added tomorrow.

The party was great. It was a very small family gathering at the cottage and the babies were absolutely adorable. At one year, they are as perfect as I could possibly imagine. They both said their first real word yesterday. By REAL I mean they don't just mimic the word, the know what the word means. Taylor has said szeretlek a few times (which is "I love you" in Hungarian), but it was always as a mimic. Yesterday she learned how to say "duck" and she says it consistently when she sees a rubber ducky. Teddy said "duck" shortly after Taylor did, but he is not as consistent.

We've been at the cottage for almost a week now and they both crawl around like crazy. Taylor has a funny sort of monkey crawl where she scoots along on her butt. It's very efficient because she always has a hand free to carry stuff. Teddy does the traditional crawl and he if very fast. He loves to hang out in the kitchen to see what Bubbe is up to. Taylor is standing all over the place, but she isn't walking yet. Teddy can pull himself up to his knees, but not quite standing.

Stay tuned for pictures from the big day!

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